The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 221: Robin B

Hey, Donny! You remember that box trap you helped me make? Well, I caught a boar! Just look at the size of this thing!

It's near as big as this fish I caught thanks to yer tricky hook!

Goodness, I think we're going to have leftovers tonight.

Heck, if we smoke that boar'a yours, we'll be set for a month.

Boar jerky? My mouth's watering just thinking about it... Oh, and speaking of, I was working on ways to improve that trap. I think I've got a better trigger figured out. You should come by and take a look.

Swell! I got a new hook I wanted to show ya, anyhow.

Ha ha, listen to us! We're obsessed.

Heh, ain't that the truth? We ain't even on larder duty!

We should be, the way we're stockpiling provisions.

I wager the others'd think we're a right pair of greedyguts, way we's goin'.

Hmm... I suppose snarfing down boar isn't very ladylike, now that I think about it?

Huh? Are ya japin' with me now? Yer the finest lady I ever met! Back in my village, ain't a single milkmaid could hold a candle to ya!

How kind of you to say, Donny. Do you really think-

And ain't just you, neither! Every gal in this here army is a knockout. Yee-haw!

Oh. I...see.